I often say, Writers are the Best Weirdos, and people are taken aback.

And, of course, I mean this in the best possible way. I started a new morning pages notebook the other day, and there on the inside front cover was this poem/manifesto from Pharrell Williams.

I serve and represent OTHERS because I am one myself.
OTHERS defy expectations and stereotypes. We are curious, ambitious, and have every intention of squeezing the most out of life. Above all, we are individuals.
OTHERS don’t fit into categories. We are not jocks. Or skaters. Or musicians. Or students. Or technologists. We want to be all of the above and more.
OTHERS are not defined by age, race, gender or where we come from. We have shared ideals, dreams and a vision for a new reality.
OTHERS believe individuality is the new wealth. Experiences are the new assets to acquire. Whoever is the most individual wins.
I am OTHER celebrates people who push society forward. The thinkers. The innovators. The outcasts. We believe that which makes you different makes you special. History has proven that it’s the rule breakers who have the power to change the world.

I am touched by his celebration of other-ness. So often, we are frightened and put out that we feel “othered.”