Am I right?

We are not joiners, belongers. We don’t see ourselves as blending in. Writers perch, observe, and sometimes hide their ideas, bec they might seem too weird.

Or is it weird just to want to write? Especially since all the sensible people around you will tell you it’s a waste of time, never going to sell, not worth it. And they are right…

Until they are wrong, and what you’re writing matters.

It doesn’t take much to squelch a vision – a raised eyebrow, a complaint overheard, someone, anyone, with a need.

Join the club for you, the weirdos and writers – the Mighty Writers Club

It is hard to sustain a vision in the face of uncertainty in your own mind, and sometimes outright disapproval from those around you. You need a community who understands that. Understands the need/desire to write something, and the general anxiety about writing, and about carving out writing time from your family, your work, your community.

I’m starting a writing community. If you know me, you know I have opinions (and research) about what keeps us from writing at certain phases of the creative process. There is a whole field of science dedicated to better understanding our creativity and how to enhance and empower it. I have my Masters of Science in Creativity, so I know a few creativity hacks. I’m also a certified creativity coach, so I can do the insightful handholding it might take to get you over the hump on any given day. (Read all about it here.)

In this group, I offer you what I think writers need! I feel so strong about this offering, bec I believe it will get you writing and keep you writing! Here’s what you get –

  • A group with whom to write – silently, connected by Zoom – 2x a week – so you create a writing habit
  • Periodic help, and then to be left alone (for a whole year!)
  • CLARIFY, IDEATE, DEVELOP and IMPLEMENT your poem, screenplay, novel, rap song, or TED talk
  • Tools, coaching and support so you don’t get stuck or stay stuck
  • A library of information available to you, when you’re ready for it
  • Something affordable so you don’t feel bad about “indulging” this creative habit
  • A place to ask “stupid” questions and find acceptance and answers
  • A small group of writers dedicated to helping one another
  • A place to build your following as you write.

The Mighty Writers Club can help you see your vision, execute it and bring it to the people waiting for your work.

If you’re interested – go here for more information. If you have a comment or question, you can leave it in my FB group – Write Without the Fight, and I’ll see and respond there. (Not a member of the FB group yet? OMG! Start there. Use the link and ask to join!)