We have a happy life. Sitting at our Thanksgiving table this year, I know this is true. And not to be taken for granted.

Moreover, the older we get, the more we each self-actualize. Indeed that is something to be grateful for, in and of itself. As Abraham Maslov says:

If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life. What a man can be, he must be. This need we call self-actualization.

It is precious, and a privilege to be able to pursue the life we yearn for.

  • I get to write with other writers many times a week.
  • I was published this year and achieved Amazon Bestseller status.
  • My TEDx talk has been approved and will debut very soon now in a viewing party with Q&A afterward.
  • My novel is being raked over the coals with precision and confidence. The big rewrite will hopefully be completed by the New Year.

I have so much pleasure and dedication in my life that I cannot complain. I’m thankful to you, too, for reading and receiving my blog – and telling me when I see you in person, that you like them. Or comments that say: “I needed this today,” or “This!!  Exactly!” or even a simple “thank you.”

Writers matter to me. And I’m grateful that my world revolves around you now.