What’s love got to do with it? If you fall out of love with your Work-in-Progress, it can hurt. A Lot.

Breaking up is hard to do.

This week, we’re unearthing and discussing works in progress in the FB Group. (Ask to join if you haven’t already.) How many works do you have stacked in your head, like airplanes on a foggy evening, waiting for permission to land? How often do you think about a long-abandoned project that you wish were part of your life, now? How important does it feel… to get this story, this point of view, this insight into the world? How important is it to spur change, action, and empathy?

Sometimes an old WIP is like an ex-lover. It may be too late to rekindle those flames, and even if you could, you wouldn’t want to. But sometimes the WIP is like the one-who-got-away. The road you didn’t take. What’s your relationship with your WIP?

Can you reunite? Feel the love…

We each become unenamored with our manuscript at a different phase of the process.

  • Clarifiers love dreaming it up. Thinking it through. They have problems getting started.
  • Ideators love the idea. They come up with it, dive right in, excitedly, and then stall.
  • Developers dig the writing, rewriting and editing. They never want to let it go.
  • Implementers might rush the process. They consider it done before they get input from readers, editors and more. It’s done, right? Then, they might feel sad and overwhelmed by tepid response.

And most of us are strong in than one thinking style – so we can stall and feel disillusioned at more than one phase. So, how can you fall back in love with this WIP?

It’s not too late to join the Creative Mastery Class – It starts tomorrow. This is your chance to figure out what went wrong, and spend some real quality time with your WIP.

Love is in the air, this February. It’s time to fall back in love with your WIP.

What is your Work-in-Progress?

Can you imagine yourself finishing, polishing, and PRESENTING your work in 5 weeks’ time?

That’s what we accomplish in our Creative Mastery Class. This is not a hurry-up-and-get-it-written class. This is a take a step back, learn about who you are as a creator and creative thinker. Little by little your essential work bubbles back up to you with fresh urgency.

And we write. Every weekday for an hour, for five weeks. So little by little, that piece of writing comes out of you. You find your love again. You feel great.

Okay, we hope to see you in the Creative Mastery Class… I hope to help you reunite with your favorite WIP. It’s February. Love is your absolute right.