
Keep Writing (i.e. How To)

There are two major complaints I hear from my writer clients - they don't finish anything. They can't keep writing when it seems easier to start something new. ... Read More...

I was doing so well…

When I see a post like this, I try to help. This is my area of expertise, afterall. So, first, I'm certain, this person's experience is not unique. "Th... Read More...

Populating a Novel

I was namedropping at a party at Dottie Frank's house, when she told me and a few other fans, to keep the population of your book low. No more than 6 characters... Read More...

Get to the Point

If you've hung around me, you know the difference between divergent thinking and convergent thinking. Divergent thinking is wide ranging ideation, creativi... Read More...

What’s Creative Thinking?

When you're thinking creatively - like to write, or draw, or solve a hard problem - what exactly is going on in your brain? You may think it is dark and mysteri... Read More...