Jerry Seinfeld still shows up once in awhile at the microphone in a stand-up club, just to keep his material and his timing sharp. Woody Allen can still be heard many Mondays, playing jazz sax at the Carlyle in NYC. As writers we need a stage and an audience where we can try out new tricks. We need to write on a deadline for a critical reader. That gig for us writers, that place where we’re welcomed by the establishment, and where audience reaction is gold is an online prompt writing community, called: yeah, write! is your open mic. It is there for you week in and week out. You go when you need a quick pick me up or a safe community to play in. This week, my interview is with Michelle Longo, Editor-in-Chief for the writing community.

Yeah, Write offers two weekly writing challenges & has just introduced a super-challenge




You get a creative romp and a robust round of community comments. Each week there are editor’s picks and community voting for best in category. You can earn bragging rights, get feedback on your work, have fun, lighten up. Or – if you’ve been slugging it out with a long or unfulfilling writing challenge – you can step out. Have a little fling with some new, younger writing interlude. (My novel doesn’t understand me.)

You write and write. Or you wait and wait. Either way you’re engaged in a grudge match with your creative work. Yeah,Write is a fun-loving writing community. Go see what their prompts are this week and write a little something. Put it out there and see what your fellow YeahWriters have to say about it.

BONUS! Extra! If you’re building your blog following, or your writer’s platform (as agents and publishers call it), Yeah, Write is an organic way to find followers. Yeah, Write doesn’t host your actual work. they list a link that readers follow back to your blog and comment there. Back at Yeah, Write they vote on their weekly favorites.

What have you got to lose? Go see at