Back before I was born – and probably you too – there was a time when professional sports seasons did not overlap. There weren’t sports games being played and watched (or listened to) all year long. In fact, there was a quaint little season called the Stove-Leg Season.

I remember reading about it a long time ago. Maybe in a magazine. But it could just be a fiction of my mind, bec when you Google “stoveleg” or “stove-leg” or “stove leg” season, you get “sorry, no results.”  Google does however, still remember magazines.

The Stove-leg season was a time in the winter after the Super Bowl was over and before Basketball began. A few weeks of downtime. And what was there for sports fans to do, but sit around the stove and talk sports. Wow what a season! And Can’t wait for Basketball.

As I said, this mythical time is… a break. A space. A moment when nothing requires your attention and you feel nostalgic and anticipatory at the same time.

I’m in the Stove Leg Season of 2023. I’ve just finished my podcast production, 17 episodes of Writers R the Best Weirdos and hosted a super Preview Day where people could come and listen to what they needed to know, ask questions and get something started in their book writing/pubbing/promoting journey. It was fabulous and I loved every minute of my time talking with podcast guests and hosting podcast listeners in the Open Zoom session.

Beginning this Spring, the podcast season will roll out, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays.

For now, I’m resting. thinking and feeling the spaciousness of not having a huge thing to finish.

PS, I’ve tagged this blog post with “Stove-Leg,” so now, ANYONE who Googles that phrase will get me.