Back east, when we had winters, we also had something called the January thaw. There would be a week or so of warmer weather. Rivers of water would run below the ice and snow-caked sidewalks. You could walk through the snowy landscape in your shirtsleeves. And you could see the coming of Spring.

Not for nothing, though, you still had all of February and much of March to slog through before you saw a tulip pushing up or lily of the valley blooming in lingering snow.

Still, it was the January thaw that made the remainder of winter bearable.

I’m in a January thaw, now. I’ve just finished the free webinar and opened the doors on my Write Without the Fight course. I’ve kept my head down, and worked my way through January. (To read more about the course, go here.)

There’s space. Spaciousness.

There’s a little respite in which I can dream, envision and remember my plans from before. It is fun to finish something big and breathe it in. It is fun to realize now, you can do something new again.

What’s in your January thaw? If you could shed the weight of your daily concerns, what would you like to be doing?

Come talk about it in the FB group – write without the fight – Ask to join if you’re not already in there.