As you may know, I am a Martha Beck certified coach, and I have enormous respect and admiration for her wisdom and presence (and writing, btw.) Martha Beck posted her guidance on FB, this morning, after the election, and it helped me. Maybe it can help you. I repost it here, and hope for peace and prosperity for all of us.

My darlings,

I see many of you are already writing about the catalytic event that’s happened. Since you’re reading this post, I’m going to assume that you’re not rejoicing. Personally, I’d really like to get up and walk out of this particular movie.

Here’s the thing, though. We can’t let this push us into dark, downward spirals. We can’t add injury to insult by becoming wild with fear, or going back to smoking, or hating what is. Instead, we can feel into our shaken hearts with compassion and an open mind, because we have no idea what the final outcome of any event may be.

This is a time I call Square One. The general guidelines for these periods are to pull attention into the present, and to allow ourselves to feel what we’re feeling. Don’t follow your mind into anger or fear. Don’t catastrophize before there’s clear and present danger. Instead, look around the room. Feel your arms, your feet, your shoulders. Feel how gravity still works. Notice there are no monsters here, except perhaps the ones in your mind. You’re okay. Right now, you’re okay.

Remember that troubled times are our allies in awakening. They compel us to access the deep, untroubled beings that we really are. The hero engages with destiny only on the road of trials. Each of us is the central character of our own story, and tonight, it’s true, the road ahead looks long. Let’s use it as a chance to grow wiser and stronger, to become heroes we’re all meant to become.

And now I’m going to eat a pie.

Love, Martha

I’m going to have a reasonably sad day, take care of myself and my family, and wait and see. Let’s hope for awakening.