Creative Thinking

Ready to Write?

We've just finished the Write Without the Fight FREE 5-day Challenge, and this week, the fun continues, but over on Zoom. We have three FREE writing sessions co... Read More...

The Challenge of Writing

Creating, writing is a challenge. You struggle, judge yourself, wonder why that idea seemed so great last night as you were trying to fall asleep. Or you edit a... Read More...

Keep Writing (i.e. How To)

There are two major complaints I hear from my writer clients - they don't finish anything. They can't keep writing when it seems easier to start something new. ... Read More...

What Stops You From Writing?

Update!  We've just finished our 5-day Challenge - and had a whopping 700 people participate! It is exciting to me to reach so many writers with so much empower... Read More...
Mental blocks

Mental Blocks to Creativity

Writers face many mental blocks to creativity. What's weird and disarming is that we each get blocked in different ways. So, here's what happens to me. I get wa... Read More...

An Interview with Julia

It's been pretty exciting over at the Write Without the Fight FB group. It seems a bunch of people listened to the following interview and got themselves of to ... Read More...

Self-doubt, Self-inflicted?

Doesn't matter if you're published, produced or award-winning, creativity comes with a side order of doubt. Doubt I recently read that Bono, of U2 fame, had w... Read More...